The Minimal Sneaker

My favorite budget minimal sneaker: The Reid from Beckett Simonon (click photo for affiliate link). Made to order, so there is some downtime between ordering and arrival.

My favorite budget minimal sneaker: The Reid from Beckett Simonon (click photo for affiliate link). Made to order, so there is some downtime between ordering and arrival.

The white minimal leather sneaker has no replacement.

If white is not your forte, I would still recommend them. Unless your wardrobe is all blacks and greys, a black pair would suffice. A pair of clean leather sneakers is really the idea.

Care for them with light cleaning (bi-)weekly depending on use, and once or twice per year with a thorough leather cleaner. Anything less than $100 here and you are not guaranteed to have a shelf life longer than a year or two, even with regular maintenance. Common Projects “Achilles low-top Sneaker” similars are attainable now around $150 +/-$50. Depending on exactly what profile you want, of course.

Hard to go wrong with a white sneaker. It’s a blank canvas—literally!

Hard to go wrong with a white sneaker. It’s a blank canvas—literally!

  • Note: Having a pair of “party sneakers,” as I refer to them, such as converse or vans, should be a given—as they’re <$50. You most likely already have them, and you are reading this to upgrade your style, right? Trust the process, and if you find out leather sneakers aren’t for you, that’s fine! I promise that even if you regret buying them, it’ll be a very small regret in the broader picture.

Suedes and pebbled leathers go on the same list as color-accented white leather sneakers. They are not the best, most versatile option. An argument can be made if you’re not one to keep a white pair clean, that’s fine. There are alternates for a reason.

The main purpose of this article is that men have a tendency to not care for small things, like footwear, in life. Running/gym shoes are amazing for running/gym activities. Not as great for being seen as a well-dressed, self-respecting, man.

Finally, this is the easiest style upgrade I believe you can make. Nobody will poke at you for a new pair of sneakers the way they would if you decided to start wearing only black cap-toe oxfords every day. Next step is a pair of boots—our next article in our “Application” series.

*Caution: Shoes can be a wicked rabbit hole to jump down. So start off slowly, with a pair you can afford, and find the right type of “minimal” for your taste. Be brave, and try the “white meat.” Even if you think it might be a bit dry. You’ll thank yourself later.


The Leather Boot